Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How to Flatten Your Stomach and Live Healthy

This article is for readers who either know someone with a big fat belly or have a big fat belly themselves. I wrote another article on the same subject so this one gives some more tips on how to flatten the big fat belly.You need to get rid of those extra pounds and this article gives some specifics on how to do it.

Difficulty: Challenging 

Things You’ll Need:

A big belly to lose
A focus and drive
Desire not to keep doing what you been doing
Behavior modification & Love from family and friends

Step 1 - Why are you walking around with that big belly hanging over your belt? You are sick and tired of it, but you are not doing anything about it. 

Step 2 - A boy once asked his father, "Father, how do you eat an elephant?" He answered, "One bite at a time." 

Step 3 - You flatten the big fat belly by having a plan, focus and doing something. Sitting on the couch, eating sour cream and onion potato chips is not going to flatten your stomach. 

Step 4 - The definition of doing the same thing over and over is insanity. Are you insane? I didn't think so. Change your behavior. 

Step 5 - If you change your diet (you know what to stop eating) and start doing situps and crunches every day, you know what? You belly will get flat. It will. Just try it. 

Step 6 - Do not waste money on ab machines and all that other stuff you see on TV at 2:00am. Save your money. Surround yourself with supportive people and you will get off that couch. 

Step 7 - Print this article; get focused. Get a plan and a mission. Decide that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Sick and tired of clothes not fitting. 

Step 8 - Flatten your big fat belly. It is not cute. It is not desirable. It has to go. Now. Today.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

How to Flatten your Stomach Quickly

If you want to wear a bikini or perhaps a form-fitting outfit, you’re likely interested in ways to flatten your stomach quickly. Losing stomach weight isn’t easy for many people. A hectic schedule and unhealthy lifestyle can add pounds to our body and most of these pounds settle in the mid-section. Yet, there are ways to quickly flatten your stomach and tone your abdominal muscles.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging

Step-1. Get rid of stress. Most people equate belly fat with unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise. However, stress can be an underlying cause of stomach weight. Stress releases hormones and these hormones increase the storage of fat around the belly. 

Eat healthy. It’s no secret that healthy eating habits can reduce your weight and help you maintain a lean body. If you want to flatten your stomach, reduce your intake of refined sugars and carbs. Foods such as cookies, cake, candy and potato chips can slow your metabolism and increase your appetite. In addition, too many carbohydrates can cause abdominal bloating. 

Consume less alcohol. If you drink alcoholic beverages on an everyday basis, this may contribute to excessive stomach weight. Dramatically decrease your intake, or completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages. Taking in less calories and carbohydrates can slim your belly. 

Start an exercise routine. Workouts are essential to losing stomach weight. If you want to flatten your belly in a relatively short time, choose a combination workout that includes aerobics and abdominal exercises. The high impact workout helps burn calories and fat, while abdominal workouts tone the mid-section. 

Treat gastrointestinal conditions. Several gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and chronic constipation make the stomach appear larger. These conditions cause poor digestion and abdominal bloating. Once you treat or learn how to manage these conditions, your stomach weight should decrease.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How to flatten your stomach in 10 days

Difficulty:  Easy 
Things You’ll Need: a. saran wrap b. grapefruit juice

Step 1. Wrap stomach with saran wrap while exercising, cleaning, or in your house. 

Step 2. Drink grapefruit juice, it burns stomach fat. 

Step 3. Lie on back lift legs up and down. this works better than sit ups

Try these 3 easy steps for ten days and see the results! Don't forget to take a 'before & after' picture of you!

For an effective & proven belly trimming program, visit

Monday, December 8, 2008

How to Flatten Your Stomach Without Doing Crunches

This is an article about flattening the stomach without having to do crunches. Many people do not like to do crunches. Therefore, they do not stick with doing them. If you're one of the people who do not like to do crunches, you'll be happy to know that there are alternatives to performing crunches that can help flatten the stomach as well.

Step 1. Make up your mind to exercise daily. You must be consistent in order to achieve results. Determination is what will help you to succeed at flattening your stomach.

Step 2. Stand up straight with your legs together.

Step 3. Lift your left leg upward and cross it over to the right as you are lifting your leg. Do this 10 to 20 times and then return your leg back to its original position.

Step 4. Lift your right leg upward and cross it over to the left as you are lifting your leg. Do this 10 to 20 times and then return your leg back to its original position.

Step 5. Repeat the exercise 3 times for each leg daily. Remember consistency and determination is essential to accomplishing results.

Tips & Warnings
Adding a daily brisk walk or jogging for about 20 minutes 3 times or more per week can assist in flattening the stomach.
It is very important also to have good and healthy eating habits.
You should check with your doctor before starting an exercise regimen.
If you feel any abnormal or unbearable pain, refrain from continuing the exercises.

For an effective & proven belly trimming program, visit