Saturday, December 13, 2008

How to Flatten your Stomach Quickly

If you want to wear a bikini or perhaps a form-fitting outfit, you’re likely interested in ways to flatten your stomach quickly. Losing stomach weight isn’t easy for many people. A hectic schedule and unhealthy lifestyle can add pounds to our body and most of these pounds settle in the mid-section. Yet, there are ways to quickly flatten your stomach and tone your abdominal muscles.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging

Step-1. Get rid of stress. Most people equate belly fat with unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise. However, stress can be an underlying cause of stomach weight. Stress releases hormones and these hormones increase the storage of fat around the belly. 

Eat healthy. It’s no secret that healthy eating habits can reduce your weight and help you maintain a lean body. If you want to flatten your stomach, reduce your intake of refined sugars and carbs. Foods such as cookies, cake, candy and potato chips can slow your metabolism and increase your appetite. In addition, too many carbohydrates can cause abdominal bloating. 

Consume less alcohol. If you drink alcoholic beverages on an everyday basis, this may contribute to excessive stomach weight. Dramatically decrease your intake, or completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages. Taking in less calories and carbohydrates can slim your belly. 

Start an exercise routine. Workouts are essential to losing stomach weight. If you want to flatten your belly in a relatively short time, choose a combination workout that includes aerobics and abdominal exercises. The high impact workout helps burn calories and fat, while abdominal workouts tone the mid-section. 

Treat gastrointestinal conditions. Several gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and chronic constipation make the stomach appear larger. These conditions cause poor digestion and abdominal bloating. Once you treat or learn how to manage these conditions, your stomach weight should decrease.

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